The 6th edition EMS Field Guide. Basic & Intermediate Version has been updated with the latest cardiac arrest and CPR guidelines from the American Heart Association.
For years, this guide has been an essential reference tool for EMTs. Whether you're a student or a 20-year veteran of emergency medical services, this guide gives you finger-tip access to all of the essential information to perform your job.
This edition features; EMS protocols, spell-checking, EKGs, defibrillation, home medications and much more. Like all of our field guides this is the text you'll use in class and take with you throughout your career in the field.
All Informed field guides are 3"x5", fit easily in your pocket, have color-coded tabs, and are waterproof, alcohol-fast and durable.
- Current AHA Guidelines
- Prescription Drugs
- Meds / Airway / Intubation
- Basic & Intermediate EMS protocols
- Basic & Intermediate Medications
- Defibrillation
- EKG Rhythms
- Anatomy, Signs & Symptoms
- Poisons & Overdoses
- Infectious Diseases
- Spell Checker
- Medical Abbreviations
- Mnemonics
- Charting
- Pediatric Emergencies
- Pulse Oximetry
- O2 Administration
- Multiple Patients Triage Trauma
- Trauma & Glasgow Coma Scales
- Burn Charts the "Rule of 9's